Does OKEYOLIVE ship to my country?
Now we only ship to the US, excludes Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Insular areas, APO/FPO. Note: We don't ship to PO BOX addresses. For other countries and regions, please contact us at support@okeyolive.com.
What shipping service do you use?
FedEx, UPS, or other express chosen by our warehouse. Not able to designate courier.
How much does shipping cost?
You can enjoy free shipping for all US orders.
Will I have to pay taxes?
For US orders, price include taxes. For other countries, please contact us at support@zeatoolots.com
How long will it take to arrive?
Generally, Order-to-Delivery Process is divided into two stages:
Order processing time: the time we need to get your order ready to be shipped. It relates to stock confirmation and quality inspection, and usually takes 1-3 business days.
Shipping time: the time it takes for the shipping services to deliver the package to your address since they pick up the package from our warehouse. Shipping time varies depending on your specific location. We ship from the US warehouse. Usually, it takes 3-6 business days.
Shipping time is calculated starting from the time when your order is dispatched from our warehouse, rather than from the time of order placing. Invalid addresses, customs clearance procedures, or other similar reasons, may increase the estimated shipping time. Thanks for your patience.
How can I track my order?
When your order is dispatched from our warehouse, you can find your tracking number inăMy Account-My Orderă. You can track your package using that number on the corresponding shipping providers' websites.
Meanwhile, you will receive a shipment confirmation email. The email will contain the tracking number at the bottom. You can click the tracking link at the footer or type the tracking number into https://www.17track.net/ to check the status of your order
How can I cancel my order?
Please contact our support team with details at support@okeyolive.com. Our support team will assist you.
Note: cancellation should be made within 24 hours of the order time. Or cancellation will not be available. If you cancel your order after it has been shipped, please follow our Return Policy. The cancellation will have to be treated as a Return with all applicable fees--including restocking, cancellation, and other applicable fees.
What are your return and refund policy?
More details for return and refund policy are available via Return Policy.
What if the package doesnât arrive?
If you donât get your package 30 days after it was shipped, please contact us at support@okeyolive.com